Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Inspiritors? #8-12

As I have only done the first 7 of 26 people that have inspired me so far or impacted my life in some way, I must now add to the list.  Again, these are in no certain order.... who has time for that anyway?

Sweeet Stepdaddy Floyd: (had to start with a Jeff Dunham reference because he's just that awesome)  Floyd has been the best stepdad anyone could ask for.  He for sure keeps me on my toes.  I never know from one minute to the next whether I'll be peeing my pants from laughter (as we share the same odd sense of humor) or wearing my freshly brewed hot coffee because he scared the crap out of me while I mind my own business.  He works his tail off constantly and still has time to go hunting so we can have deer meat all year long!  What a guy!

Courtney (awesome lady):  Courtney has helped me realize that there will be d-bags and there will be yet more d-bags.  She knows my crazy side, tells me how it is (or how it should be rather), and suffers when I do.  Really, the laughter that radiates from her is just a cover of the deep sadness she feels for me, lol!

My Grandma: I love my grandma with all my heart.  She will do anything for anyone that treats her right.  She will drop everything for a chance to be with those she loves.  I simply hope that when I grow old, I can possess some of my grandma's amazing qualities.

Jared:  This guy's a character and a half.  He knows my flaws... and let me tell you, there are many.  He is straight with me though most of the time and that's exactly what I need.  Jared has the ability to spark my passion for Christ when my flame has whithered away.  He's the kinda guy one might go to when they have no desire to go home after a night on the town??  He will sober ya up real quick cuz you have to think so much about what comes outta his mouth... Idk lol... he's worth keepin around though for whatever reason.

Mike:  My trainer.  My friend.  My outspoken politics-talking trainer-friend lol.  He is another that will do anything for anyone letting himself suffer in the process.  And it doesn't hurt that he lets girls beat him with sticks/blades :)

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