Monday, August 6, 2012

Easing Into A New Me

I have decided (thanks to the inspiration of one awesome Rose Bear) to begin the 17 day diet.  It's a very inspirational and seemingly simple plan to follow. I have been easing myself into the diet for several days by lowering my soda intake day by day.  As of today, I had 1 can of sprite which is caffeine free.  I'm impressed with myself.

I can definately give a big thanks to Crystal Light for the strawberry drink mix that makes water more tolerable for me.  If not for that, I wouldn't be able to give up soda at all.

Tomorrow is the official start day of my diet, but at the moment I do not know what I'm having for dinner.  So far I have this on my list for tomorrow:
Breakfast:2 hard-boiled eggs.  I like them and can eat them on the go.  Easy breakfast.
AM Snack: Carrots... easy to take to work and not too shabby on the taste buds.
Lunch:  Strawberries/Grapes (possibly a salad if I have a chance to get one)
PM Snack:  The carrots leftover from AM snack.
Dinner:  Unknown.  Possibly chicken breast with broccoli and cauliflower?
To drink: All the ice cold water I can drink.  They say to drink 64 ounces a day which shouldn't be too hard if I go through 48 ounces just in the 7 hours I spend at work.

This is where the planning comes into play.  I have to make sure I get my snacks and lunch ready before I go to bed because I don't have time to do so of a morning.  Depending on the weather, I may walk on my lunch hour or I may do 17 minutes of Zumba after work... not sure yet.  Even I can do 17 minutes of physical activity (meaning exercise not normally part of my routine) every day with enough motivation.  And my motivation is this:  I want to be healthy.  I want to be able to run and play with my son without getting out of breath from being so out of shape.  I want to be able to buy a pair of pants that don't make me look like I'm snuggling a muffin under my clothes :).... Sadly, I just thought of a muffin... I love the ones with chocolate chips in them...

If anyone wants to join me on this adventure, please feel free to do so.  I'm sure if I can do it, anyone can do it!!  As always, comments are welcome and encouragement is always appreciated :)

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Summer! It sounds like you have a good plan. :-) I look forward to hearing more later!!
