Friday, July 27, 2012

College Life/Green Lantern

So it's been a busy few days, but I am proud to say that I passed both finals for this semester and should be receiving an A in both classes.  It's crazy hectic for me all the time since I started school again, but it's so worth the eventual income.

Seeing as how school is about to start back up for the rest of the college students around here, I feel compelled to share some of the things I've learned in the past 8 weeks.

     *Do not feel ashamed if you do not understand the material being taught to you.  I myself had to ask my younger sister to explain things to me because she knew the subject better than I did.  Ask questions, seek tutoring, or whatever it takes to make you comfortable with the material at hand.
     *Do not wait until the last minute to try to study for an exam or complete an assignment.  Your grade will suffer and you'll end up being more stressed than if you had stayed home from the late night party the weekend before.
     *Pray to God daily (multiple times daily is AWESOME)!  He is our Lord and Savior and wants us to succeed.  He can see us through anything.  And when you actually feel him in your presence, it's by far the best feeling on the planet!!!
     *The best advice I can give any student is to work hard, but don't forget that college is a time of learning not only for careers, but also personal development.  You will learn things about yourself you never thought about before and may be afraid of some of the things you see people do or talk about.  Be yourself, but don't be afraid to get out there and make some friends.  You never know, the people you meet in college could end up to be your future spouse, your best friend, or maybe one day your boss.  Be kind to everyone you meet.

And now that I have gotten that out of the way, I must give myself props.  I was able to correctly identify the Green Lantern on my son's daycare worker's shirt this morning.  So stoked!!

And while on that subject, I am wondering if I should make Green Lantern scrubs or Batman scrubs.  I just cannot decide.  Both are epic in this day and age right??  I think I will put it to a vote.  Comment me your opinions or other ideas and I promise to return the favor at some point. 

1 comment:

  1. I vote for star trek scrubs...but I'm a nerd. :-) Good for you for your hard work paying off in the form of good grades!!
