Sunday, July 22, 2012

But You Didn't Specify Mommy!

So yesterday was the day for Kayden and I stay home and get things done around the house.  And that boils down to this:  Kayden plays and makes messes while mommy watches Scrubs and does laundry for the week ahead.  Normally this happens every Saturday (because mommy likes a schedule for doing laundry so I don't have to fight to use the washer and dryer with the rest of the family here).

Before we got up and started our day Kayden was hungry.... already!  It was like 8 something in the morning (and my ONLY day to sleep in) so I was not about to go out into the rest of the house already.  I just happened to have some cheese crackers in the bedroom (to keep seperate from everyone else's food).  Kayden munched on those before he had his actual breakfast.  (I know, no other mom in the US has given her child junk food because she was too lazy to get up).  Anyway, he had too much in his mouth and was trying to put more in so I stopped him.  I said "Kayden, mommy needs you to chew that food before you can put more in your mouth please."  To which his response (the tricky little monster) was spitting his chewed up crackers onto the floor... which I caught with my bare hand just before it landed on the carpet.  GROSS!!! I never thought I would say this, but I would rather change poopy raisin diapers for the rest of my life than to catch warm, wet, chewed cheese crackers with my bare hand just once more.

On a brigher note:

Today, while Kayden was with his daddy, I was able to get strawberries cut up,veggies steamed, popcorn popped, and cheese crackers all into their little individual serving bag.  The snacks (popcorn and cheese crackers) went into Kayden's snack drawer while the strawberries and veggies went to the freezer for when I need to hurry up and eat on my lunch hour :)  If this works out well, I will start getting serious about this whole cooking at home bit.

1 comment:

  1. You get major mom points for catching spit out food. And great job on getting things into serving sized containers for the week ahead!!
