Wednesday, July 18, 2012

But mommy, I don't want your girl stuff in my cart! I'm a boy!!

So today was yet another adventure in mommy land.  Went to Walmart, because toddlers think they need to drink milk every day lol

Now just to give you a little background, Kayden refuses to sit in the seat part of a shopping cart.  He has to sit in the basket part where your soon to be stuff goes for its final journey through the store.  Anywho, while there, I decided to get a few necessities.  And a certain girl product.
My lovely little bundle of joy likes to throw things out of the cart as we’re strolling through the store.  I don’t know why, but I’ve learned not to question it.  Like so many other things that guys do, just let it go and try not to question the motivation.
Anyway, after I put my girl stuff in the cart was when my child decided he wanted to start throwing things out of the cart.  First was my girl products.  After I placed them BACK in the cart and told Kayden “Please don’t throw mommy’s personal things in the floor of a public place.”  So we walk a little farther to the main aisle of the store and he strikes again.  Only this time, a hot guy walked by and saw what Kayden had thrown.  I was horribly EMBARASSED!  So red faced and trying to not laugh so as not to encourage my son to continue such inconvenient behavior, I bent over and picked up the item and again placed it in my cart.  This time, Kayden went in the actual seat and we got out of the store as soon as we paid for our stuff.  And that took a while because I had forgotten my wallet at home because Kayden decided to use my purse as a little play toy and dumped its contents all over the floor :)
Lesson of The Day: Laugh as often as you can!  That’s the only way to get through life as a woman, a mom, and especially a single mom.  And always know that our children are the reason we do what we do and that without them (even when they’re at their worst) we would be lost.
Lesson #2 of The Day:  Never let your child play with your purse.  You will lose something from it... and it's hard telling where if you'll find it

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