Saturday, December 1, 2012

Let Them Be Little

Kayden has a birthday coming up in February.  He's going to be 2 years young!  It is so scary and crazy how quickly time passes us by.  When I think back to the day he was born, I can still picture everything so clearly.  I can see so much detail that I feel like I'm re-living those moments again.  And that was almost 2 years ago!!  I miss him being a little baby.  But, I'm also looking forward to the ways he will continue to grow and become who God has destined him to be. 

I don't want to miss another second of his young years because I can never get them back, no matter how vividly I can remember.  I have decided that I am going to focus more time on him, and less on facebook and pinterest.  When school lets out in 13 days, I will have an entire month to focus entirely on my son.  And I am going to take advantage of it 100%.

Every day between December 14th and January 14th, I will devote time to do something with Kayden other than just watching him play.  I'm going to let him go crazy with his markers.  I'm going to let him help me with laundry (because he loves it... lucky me!).  I'm going to let him stay up late and watch extra Elmo or extra Barney even though I want find the costume and burn it! I'm going to let him play in the bathtub longer than the time it takes me to get him clean.  I'm going to let him eat junkfood and dance like crazy just because it's cute.

These little things don't seem like much at all.  But when I think about our days since I've started school again, I can't remember the last time I just let him be himself.  We are always so rushed and so busy that I don't have the time to let him play in the bathtub.  And it makes me sad.  These simple things bring so much joy to Kayden that I can't believe I have taken them away from him because I've gotten so busy.

So, if you're reading this and have children then promise yourself and your children that you will MAKE time for the simple things in life.  Let go of all the structure and the silly rules for a few hours a week.  You'll feel better for it, and they'll have a ball :)

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